Verify Paypal account can actually be done in various ways, one of them with Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard. Have an unverified paypal account...

Verify Paypal account can actually be done in various ways, one of them with Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard. Have an unverified paypal account may be an obstacle for most users who want to make a payment Paypal, and receive money on the Internet. How come? if we want to send the payment, or withdraw the unverified Paypal account we have always had limitations / certain limit in the transaction. Now some sellers of goods and services on the Internet that would only accept payments with "Verified" Paypal Account. Well of several reasons mentioned above, can be said to verify paypal is very important, so that we can trade easily and safely, especially for those who are working in business on the internet.

In this paypal verification guide (with Payoneer), there are two things that need to be prepared in advance, the Paypal account and Payoneer account. And for the verification process, the Payoneer account balances should be there at least 2 Dollar / 2 USD. The balance will be drawn into your Paypal account, without any extra charges. Meanwhile, just in case, it is recommended you also a Paypal account balance of at least 5 USD.


You should already have a Paypal account and Payoneer account. If you do not have a Paypal account, please register Paypal first. If already have a Paypal account, and does not have a Payoneer account, immediately signed up Payoneer. However, if you already have a Paypal account and Payoneer and want to verify paypal with Payoneer, previously First make sure that Payoneer card has been activated and your balance is enough for the verification process.


1. First step, LOG IN to your Paypal Account. Then click GET VERIFIED . It could also click PROFILE >> ADD CREDIT / DEBIT CARD. Or just click on the link ADDED CREDIT CARD on "Notifications".

2. Next you will be asked to enter your card number Payoneer Mastercard. Here's the explanation:

  • Card Type: There are four options (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover). Select MASTERCARD!
  • Card Number: Enter the 16 digit number of your Payoneer Card Mastercard.
  • Expiration Date: Enter the date and year of your card Expired (Valid Thru)
  • Card Verification Number: Enter the last 3 digits behind the card Payoneer Mastercard.

3. Click ADD CARD when done. If true then there will be a notification that your card has been successfully added. Then click CONFIRM MY CARD at the Action (right side).

4. Click CONTINUE.

5. In this step you will be notified that Paypal will be to "charge" your Payoneer account for $ 1.95, accompanied by UNIQUE CODE. Example: PP * XXXXCODE (xxxx is a unique code that you can see the history in Payoneer account). This process usually takes 2 to 3 working days. Please stay tuned your Payoneer account to see the unique code sent by Paypal.

6. The next step is to check the unique code on the Payoneer account. Please LOG IN into your Payoneer account. Click on the menu ACCOUNT ACTIVITY >> then VIEW TRANSACTIONS.

7. On the Transactions page you will see the details of the transaction on your Payoneer account. There will be a notice "Click Here to View Pending authorizations", click the link to view the transaction from PayPal.

8. The unique code will appear as shown below. (Example Paypal unique code (on my payoner account PP * 1098CODE), and 1098 is the code)

9. Please LOGIN back to your Paypal account. See the NOTIFICATIONS, then click CONFIRM MY DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD.

10. Enter your UNIQUE CODE in the "Enter Code Paypal". Then click CONFIRM CARD.

11. Now you have a verified paypal account. Congratulations!

In addition to verify Paypal account, Payoneer Prepaid Debit Mastercard cards can also be used to Withdraw / withdraw Paypal balance, and you can withdraw money from ATMs anywhere MasterCard logo. Once your Paypal Verified, limit of your paypal will be removed. so you can draw any Paypal balance to your bank account.


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